Have you ever met a woman who was satisfied with her hair? Me neither. Hair is often associated with beauty and attractiveness, which is why most women want something that will help them change their hair from good to wonderful. In this article, we’ll look at 14 simple tricks that will allow you to make your hair grow faster and be denser and stronger.
How to make your hair grow faster
- Keep a healthy and balanced diet
You will need
A diet consisting of foods that help in hair growth. Leafy vegetables, beans, seeds, lean fish and chicken are a great source of needed ingredients.
What you have to do
Hair health, like the rest of the body, depends on the products you consume. Although a good shampoo and conditioner are necessary for hair care, this is not the only requirement. The hair consists mostly of protein and therefore requires it to shine. A well-balanced diet, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals (2) is necessary.
Why it works
A healthy diet will ensure that your hair will have everything you need to grow long and strong and be shiny and silky smooth. People spend a lot of money to buy different hair care products without paying attention to their diet. And the fact is that a healthy and balanced diet contains all the nutrients and essential oils necessary to support hair growth. Because the hair is mostly made of proteins, eating it is important for nourishing and revitalizing hair.
- Do not wash your hair too often
You will need
Mild shampoo
What you have to do
Do not wash your hair with shampoo every day.
Why it works
Some women are convinced that the only way to make their hair beautiful and properly grow is to wash them with shampoo every day. Keeping your hair clean is essential for hygiene and hair growth, but if you do it incorrectly, it can cause more harm than good.
- Do not brush your hair too often
You will need
What you have to do
Brush your hair for no more than 5 to 10 minutes each day.
Why it works
Ponownie, większość kobiet jest przekonana, że sekret długich i zdrowych włosów tkwi w ich częstym szczotkowaniu. Inni boją się, że szczotkowanie włosów doprowadzi do ich wypadania i unikają go do momentu kiedy jest to już konieczne. Prawda jest gdzieś pomiędzy tymi dwoma skrajnościami. Szczotkowanie włosów stymuluje skórę głowy, uwalnia naturalny tłuszcz i pomaga rozprowadzić go wzdłuż całej długości pasm włosów. Aby jednak upewnić się, że nie występuje łamliwość ani wypadanie włosów, pamiętaj o delikatnym szczotkowaniu, zwłaszcza gdy włosy są mokre.
- Bądź cierpliwa
Even the best solutions that contribute to faster hair growth require patience and regularity. If you use the right methods and are determined, you will achieve the desired results. Do not be disappointed after a week and do not cut your hair for a short time because of frustration. Remember, hair grows on average 1.25 cm per month.